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Joint Secretary(JM),
Lok Sabha Secretariat,
Room No.440,
Parliament House Annexe,
New Delhi-110001.

Reg: I Reject Waqf Amendment Bill 2024.

In response to the Public Notice regarding the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024, please see here my representation.

As a citizen of India, I am guaranteed by the Constitution of India the right to practice my religious faith and belief in Islam and Islamic Law.

Regarding the proposed Waqf Amendment Bill 2024, as a responsible Muslim citizen of India, I have read and understood the new clauses from the official version available on the internet, the parliamentary discussions, and after deep thinking on the fundamentals of Waqf in Islam, I believe that all the new clauses are against the values and spirit of the Islamic System of Waqf.

Therefore I strongly appeal and suggest to the Government of India NOT to adopt the Bill in any form of law.

Yours sincerely,